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7 Dimensions of a Spirit- Filled Disciple

Learn more about the 7 Dimensions of a Spirit-filled Disciple and how they can be applied in your ministry context.

FREE Webinar Video Series.    Learn More

7 Dimensions of a Spirit-Filled Disciple


Holy Spirit






A Spirit-empowered disciple is a lifelong follower of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the One who disciples us. He forms the character of Christ in believers and helps disciples reproduce themselves by leading others in that same character formation process. All Spirit-empowered disciples are called to dimensions that identify us as disciples, deepen our relationship with Jesus, and strengthen our effectiveness in making disciples.

The word used in the New Testament for disciple means learner or follower. Jesus’ method of making disciples differed radically from the culture of His time: Greek culture deposited information and expected people to change. But Jesus, true to the Hebrew method of the rabbis, lived life with His disciples, teaching them by example. This is our model: living like Christ in community as He forms us into Spirit-led, lifelong learners and followers.


FREE Webinar Series

Welcome to the 7 Dimension Webinar Video Series. We invite you and your teams to join in our conversation with pastors and leaders about each of the 7 Dimensions. Each video introduces one of the 7 Dimensions, and our panel discusses how they can be applied, understood, and practiced in the local church and in the home. We want to encourage you to continue the conversation in your local setting and with your teams. Take advantage of the Session Leaders Guide available for each session. The Session Leaders Guide will provide a simple outline of each video and provide additional questions for you and team to discuss together.

Getting Started

11/1/24 UPDATE: We're currently in the process of re-uploading these videos. Thank you for your patience as we work to improve your experience!

As you prepare to participate in the 7 Dimensions Video Webinar Series, we want to encourage you to view two introductory videos highlighting General Superintendent, Doug Clay, and General Treasurer, Rick Ross, as they share about the 7 Dimensions of A Spirit Filled Disciple resources and webinar series.

**All videos for each of the 7 Dimensions provide content in English and Spanish, except for the Introduction video that contains Spanish subtitles.**

Doug Clay Intro

Rick Ross Intro

ELT Intro

Video Webinar Series


Holy Spirit






AG Discipleship Ministries

See how each ministry department contextualizes the outcomes of the 7 Dimensions of a Spirit-Filled Disciple.

AG Men's Ministries

AG Woman's Ministries

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Springfield, MO 65802, US

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