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7 Dimensions of a Spirit- Filled Disciple

Disciples are on mission with God in all areas of life, and are able to share the gospel, and disciple new believers.

(Genesis 3:15; 12:3; Matthew 9:10–13; 28:19–20; Mark 16:15–16; Luke 4:17–21; Acts 1:8; 2:42–47; 20:24; 2 Corinthians 5:16–21; Philippians 2:12–16; 2 Timothy 2:2)


  • Believe God loves everyone and created them uniquely.
  • Know that God has a plan for everyone.
  • Know that Jesus makes it possible for us to live in heaven one day.


  • Disciples know God uniquely designed each person and has a plan for them, and seek to support local and global missions.
  • Disciples say yes to God’s instruction to share their faith, discover their purpose, and care for others. They develop an awareness, love, and appreciation for all people.
  • Disciples understand that Jesus is the only way to heaven. (They can’t get to heaven just by being good.) They learn about God’s mission, purpose, and plans, which involve their identity and gifts.
  • Disciples seek opportunities to pray, give, and go so that others in their community and in the world will know Jesus. They understand that God can call them to serve as ministers or missionaries.


  • Disciples begin to develop a divine urgency to share the gospel with family and friends and lead someone to faith in Christ. They passionately and sacrificially support local and global missionary activity.
  • Disciples boldly share their personal faith story and the good news of salvation with friends and family to make disciples of all classes, ethnicities, and cultures.
  • Disciples continue to deepen their understanding of God’s mission, purposes, and plans, which involve their identity, their unique gifts and abilities, and personal sacrifice.
  • Disciples seek opportunities to pray, give, and go so that others in their community and in the world will know Jesus.
  • Disciples understand that their daily work is a divine placement for advancing the kingdom of God, and are always open to a specific call to new places of service.


  • Disciples have a divine urgency to share the gospel wisely with others and lead someone to faith in Christ. They passionately support local and global missionary activity.
  • Disciples enjoy fellowship in the local church and invite others to become part of their community that welcomes all classes, ethnicities, and cultures.
  • Disciples are on God’s mission, having a shared sense of purpose with other believers and supporting each other in their individual calling.
  • Disciples connect the gospel with seeking the common good for their communities, praying and working for spiritual and social thriving.
  • Disciples see their daily work as a divine placement for advancing the kingdom of God, and are always open to a specific call to new places of service.



7 Dimensions of a Spirit-Filled Disciple


Holy Spirit






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Springfield, MO 65802, US

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