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7 Dimensions of a Spirit- Filled Disciple

Disciples respond to God’s lavish grace by submitting all their resources to God and responding to the Holy Spirit’s leading in giving and stewardship.

(Genesis 14; Deuteronomy 15:7–11; Proverbs 11:24–25; Malachi 3:10; Matthew 5:40–42; 6:19–21; Mark 12:41–44; Luke 6:38; 12:48; Acts 2:44–46; 2 Corinthians 8; 9:6–11; 1 John 3:16–17)


  • Believe God provides for them and express thanks.
  • Know that God wants them to share with others.
  • Recognize others’ needs and choose to help them.


  • Disciples say thank you to Jesus for His love with offerings and learn about God’s heart for everyone.
  • Disciples develop a heart of compassion for all people that leads to generosity and learn to freely share possessions and God’s love with others.
  • Disciples learn to give sacrificially to meet the needs of others without expecting anything in return.


  • Disciples learn to biblically manage their personal resources well, giving the Lord’s tithe and offerings beyond the tithe, saving for the future, and learning to budget.
  • Disciples give freely of possessions because they understand that they are ultimately giving to God. They share God’s love with all cultures and ethnicities.
  • Disciples develop a deeper understanding and care for the broken, poor, and vulnerable, and seek opportunities to help.
  • Disciples learn how they can contribute to God’s economy by giving, working, and helping others fulfill their mission.
  • Disciples begin to recognize and experience God’s provision. They learn to give sacrificially of their time, talent, and treasure as the Holy Spirit leads.


  • Disciples biblically manage their personal resources well, giving the Lord’s tithe and offerings beyond the tithe, saving for the future, and living below their income when possible.
  • Disciples are hospitable, opening their heart and home to people of all cultures and ethnicities, showing that God loves others.
  • Disciples care for the broken, poor, and vulnerable at home and abroad, looking for ways to help all people flourish.
  • Disciples understand how they contribute to God’s economy by giving, working creatively and productively, and helping others fulfill their mission.
  • Disciples who have experienced God’s provision are ready to give sacrificially of their time, talent, and treasure as the Holy Spirit leads.



7 Dimensions of a Spirit-Filled Disciple


Holy Spirit






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Springfield, MO 65802, US

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