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7 Dimensions of a Spirit- Filled Disciple

Disciples love and understand God’s Big Story (Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration), and are able to interpret and apply God’s Word well.

(Deuteronomy 6:1–9; Psalm 1; 19; 119; Isaiah 40:6–8; 55:10–11; Matthew 7:24–27; John 1:1; Acts 2:42; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Timothy 3:16–17; Revelation 22:18–19)


  • Know that the Bible is God’s message to us.
  • Believe that the Bible is 100 percent true.
  • Memorize (Goal #) Bible verses.
    *Goal set by church


  • Disciples love the Bible, learn God’s Big Story, and apply God’s Word.
  • Disciples begin to trust what God’s Word says, obey it, and understand that God made them for a purpose.
  • Disciples read, memorize Bible verses, and apply Scripture when making choices.


  • Disciples develop a deeper understanding of Scripture, apply biblical truths and principles to personal life choices, and can defend their faith humbly and wisely.
  • Disciples trust God’s Word, obey God’s general calling to the Kingdom, and have a personal sense of purpose and calling.
  • Disciples learn to study the Bible, begin to meditate on Scripture, and apply the Word as part of a local church.
  • Disciples obey the Scriptures and begin to mentor others in applying the Bible to all areas of life.
  • Disciples understand how God views them (identity) and begin to manage their sexuality according to Scripture.


  • Disciples embrace a biblical worldview, pursue the principles for a God-honoring life, and can defend their faith humbly and wisely.
  • Disciples obey God’s general calling to the Kingdom and have a personal sense of purpose and calling.
  • Disciples learn the Bible by meditating on Scripture, studying, and applying the Word as part of a local church.
  • Disciples obey the Scriptures and mentor others in applying the Bible to all areas of life.
  • Disciples manage their sexuality according to Scripture, with celibacy for singles and fidelity in biblical marriages.



7 Dimensions of a Spirit-Filled Disciple


Holy Spirit






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